The Modern Agoge: Raising Strong Sons in the Carstairs Family

In the tradition of the Agoge, men are entrusted with the vital task of taking their sons from their mothers to raise them into men of strength and character. This ancient practice is not just about fostering warriors but about nurturing the very essence of masculinity. It is a journey that transforms boys into leaders, providers, and protectors of the weak. Through rigorous training and unwavering discipline, these young men learn the values of courage, resilience, and selflessness. The Agoge teaches them to stand tall in the face of adversity, to lead with integrity, and to serve their communities with unwavering dedication. It is a testament to the enduring belief that true manhood is forged through guidance, challenge, and the timeless principles of honor and duty.

The Agoge in the Carstairs family begins at 7 years old. From going on week-long backcountry hunts to doing farmers carries around the block, the training is intense and purposeful. However, the essence of this upbringing goes beyond physical endurance. It signifies the moment when the mother steps back, allowing the father to take the lead in shaping the boys' character. All discussions and disciplinary actions go through me, their father, while my wife is always there to love and support them.

My sons are also in wrestling year-round, and they will continue this until they graduate high school. They have the freedom to pursue other sports simultaneously, thanks to the unique advantage my wife and I share. She is a stay-at-home mother, and I am fortunate to work from home with a very flexible schedule, working only about 20 hours a week.

We have weekly discussions around building an unbreakable mindset, giving them endless potential. We currently live in a society of very soft men; we need men who are actually strong men, who hold themselves accountable and carry others with them. I want myself to be able to thrive in any century, past or present, and I wish that for my children as well.

This modern Agoge in the Carstairs family is not just a practice but a commitment to raising boys who will grow into men of unwavering strength and character. By instilling these values early, we ensure that they are prepared to face any challenge and lead with honor and integrity in all aspects of their lives.


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